The reality I live, I have always told myself that the world is nothing more or less than the image that you can create for yourself out of it. It’s my own world and I cherish every moment spent here. Looking at the retiring calendar hanging on the right hand side of my room’s wall, year after year, I have learned that each one of them has a purpose in it for us, to accomplish certain things that will determine where we are heading for … There was one such day for everyone of us to recognize that we have done something not just to prove anybody else then ourselves, followed by a quick realization that still a long way to go but you have taken the much needed step for it. Possibly, I can recall one such day of this year. I maybe blessed on many occasions but certainly the beginning of this year unveiled me a darker side of the life where I struggled to fight back for quite sometime before I could accept the impossible truth that there exists no life beyond your own imagination. Nevertheless, the beauty of life is that it demands from you only the strength you posses. A flash moment in life and then happened a series of good things here and there which eventually became part of the rollercoaster ride I am on.
Personally, I would like to count the year 2008 for everything that can come to my mind, a mixed bag. And with the countdown for the New Year 2009 is already started, amidst the global economic meltdown and around the chaos of terror attacks, finally found some reasons to cheer up and we at workplace celebrated this December together.
So I am hoping & wishing you all Merry Christmas and a very happy & prosperous New Year in advance.
P.S : I am back to business & gradually recovering from the bloody cold.