Saturday, October 18, 2008

Life and death

Life and death are the two simple words that have myriad of meanings in it, and someone can easily relate these words with so many things or course of events happen around him/her. One is antonym to the other but both are part of the ultimate truths we are guided with. Wait! I am not trying to find a new definition for them but it is the topic of this month at Cuckoo’s Photo Gallery and so I am back here again with one such pic …

The picture was taken inside one of the pandals created on the occasion of Durga puja. There was this centere place inside the pandal for people to light up the lamp and offer their prayer to the goddess Durga, when my turn came on that evening I was quite amazed by seeing the faith that people were showing for these lights. The lamps burns until the last drop of ghee and spreads the warmth, to live with a hope. But if you don’t light it properly; no matter how much ghee is inside the lamp, it will extinguish quickly like a spark in the clouds.

People light their lamps to see it burning, they see their life gathering an invisible power from it, and they feel blessed. They move on with this light but they tend to forget which lamp had given them it.

The lamp (like a body) is matter to the soul, and light is an act or form (like the soul) to the potentiality of the body. The body may demise after certain duration but the soul will remain as the principle account the cause of existence of the life. They both represent the cycle of life, and death being the final completion of a transforming process.


~vagabond~ said...

Oooh! I love your interpretation of the life and death theme. Beautiful composition! :)

alok said...

Vagabond, I am glad you liked it and thanks for the comment.

IncorrigibleV said...

wow ... deep, really cool!