- You get to know some like-minded people’s perspective on similar subjective pictures.
- You must not be a photographer to use all those jargons :). For me, till now like many others, photography means two terms ‘Focus’ and ‘Click’.
- Finally, if these two reasons don't drive you towards the competition, check this out ...
Now coming back to this month’s picture topic - Cloud. This topic is fairly simple but as most of us know that difficulty is closely bound with simplicity. For me, the difficult part was to zero in on one picture, so here it goes ...

The picture is clicked while I was sailing through the backwater of Allepey. It was a memorable trip for me, a much awaited break from routine things. A pinch that reminded me that - life moves on with every untold truths, unrealized thoughts and unswayed dreams. Maybe far away from the moments that somebody lived but yet so close …. Nobody can seize it from you for being an unknown to this world. It’s never an easy task to defeat the sea. On your way, you discover dark clouds but with effort and time passing by, you come across the shiny rays of triumph turning things for you and guiding you through to the shore. I found this fine quote to share here ...
The world's greatest lie: At a certain point in our lives we lose control of what's happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate.
That's an awesome shot!
Thanks for participating.
I am always in a fix as to decide what is better. Your picture or your words.
Do I have to say anything else ? :-)
Celine, welcome back and thanks for your comment :)
cuckoo, That’s my pleasure.
Hey, you know by now that I am not a strict believer of “a photo speaks thousand words” ;) … so there it goes to double the meaning of the picture and perspective by words, hand on hand :)
I know a picture can speak anybody’s languages and knock out the thoughts, so … I love to hear others perspective too (but not always) on the pictures I clicked :)
beautiful shot and some really thought provoking words..the picture would be just another post card if it werent for your words..
simply beautiful ... both the pic and the thought :)
PS: i also came by to say that im blogrollin u :)
heyy thats a real cool shot...
u rock at photography...
keep clicking!! :)
Lakshmi, thanks for the encouraging coming.
Vandita, welcome to my blog and thanks for blog rolling me :)
pri, thank you. Ah! I am flattered now ;)
Hey Alok,
The picture is not beautiful but also gives a great message.This is how all our lives there , like a ship and it is upto us as to which route we take to find the shore.
And yes, as your quote says : MANY of us blame it on DESTINY whereas we fail to understand that DESTINY is not written but it is made.And it is the person who has to MAKE his/her own destiny.
-Himanshu Sheth
Cool. I recall reading Cuckoo's post about this contest. Have to look for updates. Nice shot.
I missed one thing.The Rays :) These Rays keep guiding us and many times they might be dim(as the evening approaches) yet they remain in the minds :)
Nice photograph which conveys so many things !!!
-Himanshu Sheth
Hi Alok,
Good to see you pursuing your passion. Iam sure it helps you connect and be refreshed !!
And for the world's greatest lie, it is also the world's commonest thing... Have been wondering how we could revert it !!
Himanshu, that’s a great observation. Thanks giving such a beautiful insight to this picture.
ajeya, thanks. Sure! :)
Himanshu, thanks again and I am glad that you interpreted so many things from it.
Keep visiting :)
Prashant Sree, thanks !
Hmm! I guess lie can only revert back by a truth. The search for the truth continues and we moves on with it … and lies left behind.
Keep visiting :)
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