Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weekend Sunshine

I woke up not earlier than usual but witnessed the weekend sunshine that reminded me that I have yet another day to cheer for nothing less than what it is :) A full new day is smiling at me through the window of happiness …

The happiness I seek is all within …

In my work, In my life, In the place where I live and In the people who love me, who keep the faith in me in spite of every odd. There are many more things that I am yet to discover and may be it’s beyond the purview of something outside but then the continuity with in or out has many more things to cheers for!

It requires the minimum effort to understand that we are a mix of some simple and not so simple traits of life. And finally ... "happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but by recognizing and appreciating what we have."